Page name: Song banner [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-28 16:37:33
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
# of watchers: 3
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Song Banner






iskins for song of the day
(please put the link under pic if used)



ideas for new banners are wanted and aprishiated. ^^
If someone wants a banner i have in a diffrent color you can ask me ^^

please only put one banner up, if you really like al the images so much ask me for a joint banner^^

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2006-03-26 [Just someone]: what do u mean put it under your pics

2006-03-26 [Coldfire1]: under bio (like i have it on my page)or were ever people put banners

2006-03-26 [Just someone]: so put in insaid my house on were it said upload pics

2006-03-26 [Just someone]: o ic

2006-03-26 [Coldfire1]: if you want to....

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: u need a howl one

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: true ^^ right now i'm just using old pics..runs off to find pic of howl

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: what dose this mean iskins for song of the day

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: ^^ its just a bigger version(felt like iskin sounded cool) you just put that up with the link and song of the day under it ^^

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: can i take a i pod one to and a banner?

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: nope...just one (it says something about that on uplaoding art rules: not to may of one banner)

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: then what is the ipod thing there for?

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: *sighs* either you ahve the banner or you have an iskin one or the other

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: ok i have a banner

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: who is this <img:>

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: ^^ haru from fruits basket (total hot guy ^^)

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: is he the guy with orengon hair

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: nope he's the ox/cow with whit/black hair

2006-04-18 [Just someone]: o hem i like hem he's kool

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: of course that why he has an awsome ipod, i think kyo whould distroy his if he got one

2006-04-18 [Coldfire1]: scence: 'stupid thing just deleted my stuff' kyo gets error message 'wtf is the error you stupid machine' throws ipod. the end

2006-04-19 [Just someone]: who is the new one

2006-04-19 [Coldfire1]: munto i think, i'm haveing a bit of a problem with it though,it kepts changeing to jpeg

2006-04-19 [Just someone]: i thinks it's kool

2006-04-19 [Coldfire1]: O.o it'll be coller when i fix it give me a sec*runs off*

2006-04-19 [Just someone]: kool agen

2006-04-19 [Coldfire1]: fixed it ^^

2006-04-19 [Just someone]: whay did u do

2006-04-19 [Coldfire1]: O.o changed the colors so it would look better

2006-04-19 [Just someone]: o i see kool

2006-05-17 [shorty06]: hi i got back on thanks to [Just someone]

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: hey who is that in the new pic?

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: jeanne from kamikaze thief jeanne

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: have you seen the banner on my page yet?

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: I don't know hem and i have't look at your page yet i will look now

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ^^ its the one with the poll pic on it

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: ya i saw it and i like it

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ^^ it took me abit,it makes people more aware of the poll

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: kool

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: hey can i get in trouble for talking back to a gared?

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ....ya i think you can.what did you do?

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: I got in troble and i told hem it not my falt and he did it of his own free will and next time i might get banned.

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: eww...doens't sound like fun,i hope you don't get banned

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: ya me too^^

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ^^ you know its amazing this wiki worked out so well

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: it's one of the best.

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: O.o really?

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: ya

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ..i din't think it was that good....

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: i do

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: mm....thats great T.T man i have so much stuff to do but i don't want to..i'm going to new york this weekend and have lots of makeup work

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: that sucks

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ya and in the last weeks of school to (not that i don't like school)

2006-05-28 [Just someone]: o

2006-05-28 [Coldfire1]: ^^

2006-08-08 [Avatar15]: W0oT!!! I'm gonna make you a new banner! AWA! XD

2006-08-09 [Coldfire1]: really O.O kool ^^

2006-08-09 [Avatar15]: *nods* Yes! ^_^ I'm working on it while listenin to DDR music! XD

2006-08-09 [Coldfire1]: kool ^^ thankys *hugs you and starts dancing to Waka Laka*

2006-08-09 [Avatar15]: *inches away* Ok. Well SEE YA! :D

2006-08-09 [Coldfire1]: lol ^^

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